Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children of all ages, it snowed for the first time yesterday in north Chicagoland! I made an attempt to document the activity, in particular, because the snow coming down with the backdrop of a near full moon made for a perfect tonic. I immediately jumped on the Edens Expressway, after taking this brief video, traveling toward the city of Chicago and soon realized that the snow in the north was clearly what is most often termed as 'Lake Effect Snow'. As my traveling companion and I inched our way into the city, less snow was falling. Upon reaching my apartment, I asked my roommate about the winter weather up near Door County in northern Wisconsin, they are a native of the region, and they indicated that the peninsula receives a considerable amount more by virtue of being surrounded by the waters of Lake Michigan. The wind, the cold air, and the water come together to put on one of the greatest shows on Earth during these winter months. It occurred to me, that this is one more reason why I have enjoyed the change of seasons from autumn to winter here in the Upper Midwest. Last winter, I should've counted the number of days that I noticed flurries that fell throughout the length of the season. There was not any accumulation to mention last night, but it was a perfect point of entry for this particular and favorite kind of weather activity for the season. Enjoy the video!
- Mr. Whiskers
- Mr. Whiskers

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